Tuesday, 3 July 2012

31 days without a drop of alcohol.....really?

6 months. Blimey. Feels like a lifetime ago since I landed here. Not just 24 weeks.

I can't get my head around the fact that I haven't actually hugged a member of my family for 6 months. And you lot know what a 'hugger' I am. In fact, a while ago, the 'Brit family' and I had a long (drunken) conversation about how people hug.....none of this 'bend-from-the-waist-and-pat-on-the-back' malarky. If you're gonna give someone a hug, then go for it.....full body hug or just don't bother. Don't scrimp. And now, can you picture me and 5 others, all taking it in turns to hug each other in the pub? I think the other patrons in there thought we were some kind of random cult.

Winter is in full swing here, and although I got told off by certain individuals after my last blog about the cold weather, seriously, unless you've been here during winter, you have NO idea how cold it gets. However, we have had a slight reprieve and the sun is shining. My perfect kind of weather - brisk, but with bright sunshine. I had a wonderful arrival two weeks ago, in the shape of one of my best friends, Julianne, and she had packed for full blown winter. However, the sun came out to play for most of her stay and it made a wonderful change from the last 6 weeks of rain (please do not roll your eyes at this point because of the lack of summer in the UK!!).

As you may have seen from numerous facebook posts (those of you on it), Julianne and I ate, drank and socialised for England. We spent a lot of time with her brother Matt and his fab girlfriend, Tash, getting to know the proper sydney, as they have lived here for 12 years. It was amazing to have Jules here, as it was like being at home. However, the day she left, the homesickness did hit me quite hard. I suppose that's only to be expected when you've had a friend of 25 years come and stay with you - and we laughed like drains. Heaven.
Watching the Jubilee Celebrations from over here has not helped the homesickness either! Dear god! I couldn't bear to turn the wretched TV / Internet off - it was like a form of self harming. I literally was bursting with pride, seeing the pomp and ceremony that we pulled off so well. No other country in the world does anything close to that. So big round of applause for all those friends who posted piccies of street parties, fancy dress do's, drunken shenanigans (oops, think that bit was me) and general jubilee nonsense on facebook.....it was wonderful. Thank you.
Facebook. Now, there's an issue that has is causing some controversy at the moment - a few people have mentioned about coming off facebook. Let me tell you a little story about why I love it (apart from stating the bleeding obvious that it helps me feel a part of home...?). When I was 11 years old, my mum and I went to spain with my aunt, uncle and two cousins. Whilst there, we met another family who had two sons, Mark & Richard. Us kids spent the whole two weeks joined at the hip and I stayed in contact with the boys when we returned home - via letter and a few phonecalls (which cost mum quite a few quid - oops!). We lost contact when I was about 15. Until 4 weeks ago.
I had gone out with one of my aussie friends, Lisa, plus the brit family to say 'adios' to our good friends for a few months. Lisa tagged me on a facebook photo when we were drinking 'porn star' martini's and black sambucca on a school night. Turns out, Mark, has been living in Australia since 1999 and has been friends with Lisa for years. What are the chances? He saw my name, found that I still had the St Albans connection and he put two and two together. It was genuinely a wonderful surprise and I am arranging to meet Mark, his wife and their gorgeous new daughter in a few weeks. So, that, my friends, is why I love facebook. Use it, don't use it. But don't shut your account down just because you're bored of it. Because that old face from your past may just pop up out of nowhere and make your week too.....
So, I am already arranging my exit from Sydney - I leave work at the end of March and then I intend to go and see the world for a month or two. Not sure where yet - got a few ideas, but as usual, it all depends on the coinage. I've had a few people ask me why I am so sure that I don't want to stay in Australia, and I can't seem to explain it in enough detail........but I'll try again. I miss my family. I've missed seeing a new great niece being born (when am I EVER not around for a new arrival?) and I've realised that since losing our Mum, Kim, Stuart and I have formed an even tighter bond that goes deeper than just being siblings. Stu is my work 'guru' and my logical head when I need straightening out. Kim (or Lil, as I always call her), is for everything else. She is the most amazing woman I know. The love and emotional support she's given me since I've been here has blown me away. And I miss them (and their kids, and their kids kids!) - Every. Single. Day. I was told by someone when I left that even by just by getting on the plane and following my dream, I've achieved an amazing feat. However, I don't think i'll understand it fully until I get home and reflect on my time in Australia. But, hand on heart, without my family and friends supporting me from the UK and here in Oz, I wouldn't still be here now.
Oooo, a bit deep that. So here's a closing thought. I'm doing 'Dry July' for a cancer charity this year (to try and detox my liver). The responses from people have been mixed (why am I doing that? How am I doing that? I could never do that). However, if I had announced that I had given up the fags for a month, I would have been patted on the back and congratulated. But the no alcohol thing? Amazing how alcohol is so much more acceptable in social circles than smoking these days......just a thought.
Until the next time.....
Big snogs


  1. Hey Hols

    You have blossomed into a beautiful soul Holly, a fab blog I will follow with antisipation!! Although I will always remember the little girl in awe of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat!!!
    Much love Sarah xx

  2. Love you Hols. So Domino's, chocolate and fags round yours sometime next summer then? Book me in! Can't wait to HUG you. Xxxxxx
